Monday, June 22, 2015

Toxic free smile

Not all toothpastes are the same
Did you know here at Sisel we have toothpaste with the toxic ingredients? Follow the link at the bottom to browse.
6 Toothpaste Ingredients You Need to Avoid, they're just not worth the risk!
Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS)
Blue #1 and #2
Hydrated Silica 
"Brush three times a day!" You probably grew up hearing that conventional oral-hygiene wisdom, but unfortunately, doing so today could pose an unnecessary threat to your health, thanks to certain bad-actor ingredients cropping up in popular toothpaste brands. The kicker? Some of the worst ingredients don't even help keep your teeth cleaner. 
SupraShine Toothpaste gives my teeth a great clean without any of the nasty ingredients.
You can order yours now Suprashinetoothpaste

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

FuCoyDon® Intensified 750ml


What ancient food was so spectacular that it inspired the launch of SISEL International; a plant so compelling that it caught the attention of Tom Mower? Tom was so intrigued by this product that he was willing to spend whatever it took to bring it to public awareness. This remarkable remedy, that had such a profound influence on Tom, was the extraordinary sea vegetable, limu moui.

Limu Moui is a power-packed sea vegetable that has been eaten for thousands of years in Tonga, Japan, and other coastal areas. Because the nutritive value is great, these remarkable plants were used to regenerate and increase well-being. In many cases, science is supporting some of the traditional uses of limu moui.

Research on this remarkable sea plant directed Tom to two places in the world – Okinawa, Japan and Tonga. Those who regularly include this food in their diets enjoy sustained levels of health. 1 In this era of increased health concerns, often related to poor nutrition, it makes sense to turn to the bounty of the sea.

In Okinawa, Japan, limu is called mozuku. There, seaweed is harvested from their own coastal waters. However, to supply Japan’s huge demand, Tongan limu is also valued. The Japanese people understand the extraordinary therapeutic value of Tongan seaweed. They know that limu moui grows abundantly in Tonga’s perfect climate and in some of the most pristine waters in the world.

Investigation shows that limu moui contains significant concentrations of the active component, fucoidan. Fucoidan is a complex polysaccharide (sugar) and is the subject of over 700 scientific studies listed in the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed database. 2 These and other studies reveal the amazing regenerative properties of fucoidan that affect nearly every system of the body. Fucoidan research is catching worldwide attention. Articles on fucoidan’s miraculous benefits are appearing in authoritative medical journals.

Science sees promise for fucoidan as a powerful support to the immune system. 3 Fucoidan also enhances normal cell growth and division. 4 Reports indicate that fucoidan supports normal liver 5 and circulatory function. 6 Seaweed experts believe that having a daily dose of seaweed sustains healthy body functions. 7 People who eat fucoidan-rich limu moui on a regular basis report sustained energy* and feel support to the digestive system and as an aid to help support normal, pancreatic function. Many also report smooth, soft skin*. Some even believe that limu imparts beauty to those who eat it, which in turn creates a happier existence.

But limu moui is not the end of the story. To make an exceptional plant even more powerful, Tom created a patent-pending process designed to intensify SISEL limu moui. The results are remarkable. SISEL’s product is unlike any other seaweed beverage in the industry. This unique intensification procedure differentiates this amazing sea beverage called FuCoyDon TM. You will love SISEL’s FuCoyDon – a tasty power-pack of supportive nutrients found only in the sea. This powerful drink provides the regenerative benefits of an amazing, traditional food that is combined with cutting-edge technology. This flagship product, in time, will become a common name in every healthy household. Enjoy the beverage that launched the most successful company in the MLM industry. FuCoyDon – the tasty answer to your vital, daily dose of seaweed.


1 Bradley J. Wilcox, M.D., D. Craig Willcox, Ph.D., and Makoto Suzuki, M.D., The Okinawa Diet Plan Get Leaner, Live Longer, and never Feel Hungry, Clarkson Potter/Publishers, New York, 2004. Jacket cover.
2 Entrez-PubMed National Library of Medicine’s search service provides access to over 10 million citations
3 Hirayasu H, et al., “Sulfated polysaccharides derived from dietary seaweeds increase the esterase activity of a lymphocyte tryptase, granzyme A,” JNutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2005 Dec:51(6):475-7.
4 Giraux J., et al., “Modulation of human endothelial cell proliferation and migration by fucoidan and heparin,” Eur JCell Biol. 1998Dec;77(4):352-9.
5 Van oosten M, et al., “Scavenger receptor-like receptors for the binding of lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid to liver endothelial and Kupffer cells, J Endotoxin Res. 2001;7(5):381-4
6 Thorlacius H, et al., “The polysaccharide fucoidan inhibits microvascular thrombus formation from P-and L-selection in vivo”, E Jour Clin Invest. 2000 Sept:30(9):804-10.
7 Ryan Drum, “Medical Uses of Seaweeds,”

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Order yours here by entering my Distributor details Jo Hill AUS4542526

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The science behind Transfusium

This is what you've been waiting for!
All anti-aging lotions and serums claim to give you the same thing: younger-looking skin. Who doesn’t want that?
However, not all anti-aging serums are the same. Not only do they differ in price, they can also differ in quality of ingredients, safety, and end results. Many of the serums and lotions on the market are filled with toxic ingredients that can actually cause you to age faster.
Transfusium is more than just a serum or a lotion. While many products act as fillers being composed of up to 70% water, Transfusium is only 20% water.
The powerful science backing Transfusium allows it to have a deep effect on your skin, giving you the youthful appearance you desire in a matter of weeks.
Transfusium has a complex formula of 24 active ingredients, some of which are expanded on below, that are gathered from all around the world and have a multifaceted effect on the skin.
Transfusium has been specifically formulated to be Sisel Safe and highly effective on the skin.
> Purchase your Transfusium here < You will need to enter my name and Distributor ID -
Jo Hill AUS4542526 

The Age Pill is coming

The Age Pill Breakthrough Science Did you know there are breakthrough advances and studies happening in science all the time? How ...